Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Brain fart

For over a year now Erica and I have had a new vacuum cleaner, we thought that we knew how all of the parts of the vacuum worked but that is not true. Today I decided while I was asked to vacuum the living room that I would clean out the track for our new screen sliding door. I took out the extension and started to clean. I was having a grand time as I saw layer upon layer of dirt disappearing before my eyes. The vacuum was doing its’ thing when I stopped and told Erica that I did not need the tool that she was trying to hand me to clean out the rails. That is when Erica and I, especially me, figured out that the head to our cleaning tool with the triangle shaped head and bristles on one side and teeth on the other actually moved. It moved and I looked at Erica and asked, “Did you know that it did that,” her response put me into a fit of laughter as she responded, “me either!” We have had that vacuum for over a year now and we finally fond out that that one of the attachments actually moves to let airflow pull dirt and grime into the hose that is then deposited in a bucket in the vacuum after a long drawn out process that makes vacuums do what they do. I would tell you about the process but I do not want to bore my friends ad family who may actually follow this post that I started about a month ago. Anyway that made me laugh and even though I am kind of shy about telling people about things that I should have known about but I just had to tell anyone who will listen about it. it made me laugh and I hope it makes you too.


This will make you think twice about how much you think you know about your household appliances. I found out the hard way and it was quite funny.

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